The Journey Begins

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

H. Jackson Brown’s mother, from his book P.S. I Love You

The Grosjean’s who are signed up to circumnavigate the earth as part of the World ARC 2019 rally, invited us to join them as crew for a part of their journey. This was too good an opportunity to pass up. As new graduates of ASA 103 (kinda like passing 2nd grade in sailing) and a grand total of 40 hours of sailing in Colorado reservoirs, the logical next step we figured, is to test the water with both feet and do an ocean crossing! That is what we call learning by total immersion – although that description may not be ideal in this case.

We will be meeting the Grosjean’s at Contadora island in Las Perlas, Panama where they will be anchored for a few days. Their catamaran C/V Charm is an Outremer 55 Light. Joe Grosjean is the skipper and has been sailing since he was 10. He is joined by Lara Grosjean, his wife and their three spunky kids – Cobin, Marin and Tully. To learn more about them visit their blog

Las Perlas to Galapagos to Marquesas

We will be sailing from Contadora island in Las Perlas to San Cristobal island in the Galapagos, Equador a distance of 850 nautical miles over 6-8 days. In the Galapagos we plan to spend couple weeks cruising, visiting Isabela and Santa Cruz islands – diving, hiking and observing various marine and land species that the islands are known for. Swagata will head home from the Galapagos while I continue on with the Grosjean’s to Hiva Oa in The Marquesas (French Polynesia) – another 3000 miles across the Pacific. We expect to complete the crossing in 15-24 days. Finally, after exploring Hiva Oa for a few days, we sail to Nuku Hiva island where I bid goodbye and fly back home.

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